A diagnosis of ADHD in England has, up until recently, been a very tedious task. Children can very often be diagnosed through the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAHMS) via school referral, however if you’re an adult then you have either private services, or your GP.
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We are a Brighton-based charity that runs in-person peer support sessions in Brighton and online. We have been supporting adults impacted by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) for over a decade, and are led by volunteers with lived experience of neurodiversity.
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ADHD Aware offers monthly peer-to-peer support in groups, for adults impacted by ADHD. Unfortunately, our volunteers/workers cannot provide help that is: by phone, one-to-one, urgent, medical, or handling risk of suicide – but other organisations (below) do provide this.
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If you are an adult in the UK, the only people who can formally assess you for ADHD are: – A Psychiatrist: a medical doctor who has specialised in psychiatry and is able to prescribe ADHD medication.
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Provide ADHD, Autism and combined assessment through Right to Choose for children and young people in education, up to age 19. They do not have a Right to Choose service for adults, although they do have a private service.
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Living with ADHD. Although for many, it can be a difficult journey towards accessing treatment for adult ADHD, symptoms can be significantly improved if people receive support and are enabled with appropriate coping strategies to help manage and regulate day-to-day experiences and challenges.
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There are various types of treatment for Adult ADHD, including medication, self-awareness, talking therapy, support, lifestyle changes and coping strategies. The journey towards finding what works for you can be long, however, it can also offer the reward of a happier life.
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Most people, with or without ADHD, experience some degree of inattentive or hyperactive/impulsive behaviour. These symptoms are far more severe in people with ADHD, with symptoms often interfering with the ability to function properly at home, school, work, and in social situations.
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You can also call the assessment clinic or company to check their credentials.If you are an adult in the UK, the only people who can formally assess you for ADHD are a Psychiatrist, a specialist ADHD Nurse or a Psychologist.
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The NHS has specialist clinics for diagnosing and treating adult ADHD, ASD (Autism) & Tourette’s. Unfortunately due to poor awareness about ADHD, many staff within the NHS do not know the correct pathway and referrals can end up in the wrong place.
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